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Transparency in Charitable giving

At the Giving Center we believe that transparency can be vital to the health of any non profit. What can we do to offer you transparency concerning your charitable donation? Please read on...

How does transparency relate to charitable giving or better yet, how could it possibly relate to my charitable donation? First at the Giving Center it helps charitable donors identify the individuals and Organizations they want to support and the needs they wish to fulfill. Donors get much greater satisfaction from giving and helping those who they know more about or have the opportunity to connect with. When a charity is able to provide specific information about its results it helps donors make an emotional connection to the organization.

Transparency in giving also helps charitable donors easily distinguish between nonprofits that more clearly understand the needs of the general public. Certainly on the face of it, the obvious cry for transparency in charitable giving is in keeping with the times. There are simply far too many Donors concerned about if their particular donation is really helping anyone at all!

While it's true that it is not cost effective for every donation to be handled this way, and many donors may wish to remain anonymous, please feel free to inquire when making your charitable donations about the following services;

  • Choosing published individuals to help
  • Accounting of your donation
  • Contacting the individuals your donation has helped by phone/writing/other
  • Updates on the individuals you have helped

For many non profit organizations it is quite a challenge to keep track of where Donor funding for a particular charitable beneficiary is coming from. This is why this the Giving Center must make this service available on a case by case basis. Separating out who is paying for what element is complex, costly and requires a great deal of time, manpower and tools that must be purchased out of funds meant for charitable purposes. As we feel the great need for transparency in these times there must always common sense. Our primary concerns are to educate, feed, shelter, clothe and protect those who are unable to do so for themselves. Or to afford them the ability to learn how.

And to give you the confidence that you are paying for services that will always be delivered in a caring and responsible manner. And finally, transparency in charitable giving helps donors ensure that the nonprofits they support are trustworthy. Charitable donors want their charitable dollars to go to legitimate organizations that will use their donations wisely.

In short, transparency in charitable giving builds trust with donors. It enables them to answer three very important questions:

  • Why should I donate to you?
  • What will you do with my charitable donation?
  • Who did I really help?

To find out more about a more "personal" giving opportunity please call us today or click here to contact us!