You Can help us make a difference with Financial Donations to Charity!

Financial Donations to Charity

Financial Donations and Planned Giving .

Giving Center strives to bridge those who wish to help with those that are truly in need of assistance whether it is through financial, emotional, or spiritual needs. As one of our generous donors, you can be assured that your gift will hold great value to those who are in need. Donations aid the charitable programs we support, enhance many worthy causes, and significantly increase the funding of many charities that are crucial to supporting our communities across the nation.

Donating appreciated securities to Giving Center is a tax-wise approach to giving..

It truly is always better to give than receive and with your donation to Giving Center, you can both give and receive all while increasing cash flow from low-yielding investments or other property that has depreciated in value. The donation process is quick, simple and hassle free for our donors. Our volunteers will gladly discuss endowments, charitable bequests, charitable remainder trusts, and the many other ways that a donation to Giving Center could enrich your future fiscal plans.

Here are a few of the many ways you can help.


For those who would like to make donations of cash, stocks, bonds, or other substantial items or those who choose to include Giving Center in their estate, we ask that in advance, potential donors notify us at their convenience with a toll free call: 888-228-7320.


Giving Center frequently accepts stock and bond donations and is happy to do so! To learn more details you can visit this site to Donate Stocks and Bonds


A contribution to Giving Center is both a rewarding and satisfying way to honor the festivity of a birthday, anniversary or another special occasion. This is especially a great gift for those who are more fortunate than others. Once Giving Center receives your generous donation, our volunteers will send a card to your friend or relative so they are notified of the wonderful donation made in their name. Additionally we will provide you with a receipt that enables you to file your substantial tax break.


What better way to honor the memory of a friend or relative than with a contribution to Giving Center in the form of a memorial gift. This gift will honor the memory of your loved one while showing generosity and selfless giving to our nonprofit charity. Increasing numbers of individuals ask that loved ones donate on their behalf to worthy nonprofit organizations such as Giving Center. The possibilities of memorial gifts are endless and many organizations can contribute buildings, equipment, endowment funds, and various other services due to their willingness to honor the memory of loved ones. Our volunteers will happily assist you in choosing a fitting tribute for someone special to you.


Alongside an attorney, donors can revise, amend, or add to their will to donate a specific dollar amount, real property, a percentage of the estate, or remaining assets once beneficiaries are cared for.


For those who have a revocable living trust for loved ones who will gain property assets while minimizing probate costs, you can additionally provide that at the expiry of your trust, a part of it shall be entitled to a charity or worthy causes such as Giving Center.


This type of giving enables donors to have income from your property for life or for a specified period, but your income will increase or decrease with the value of your assets. You determine the set percentage to go to the charity at the time the trust is set up.


With this donation, the donor can set a set amount to provide the charity of their contributions to generate aid for their cause. Once the trust is over, the assets from it are returned to you or the individuals who you want to benefit from your charitable giving.


Donors can donate their property whether it be land, a home, or any property to a nonprofit charitable organization now but be able to use the property during their lifetime or for however long they so choose. Annual tax benefits come with this type of giving and all you need is to take care of the property, pay any taxes due, receive any income it generates and upon your passing, the property legally becomes the responsibility of the charity, not a part of your estate.


Make a significant gift in the future by naming a benevolent beneficiary to receive all or a portion of the proceeds of a policy no longer needed for its original purpose. One can also purchase a new policy and identifying the charity as the heir or co-heir.


Retain a set amount of income from your property throughout your lifetime or even for a short period. Your funds retained distinctly and invested for payment of an established and set income for you. When the trust ends, whatever remains in it is dispersed throughout the charity as the donor wishes.

We have listed above some possibilities for you to consider. We suggest that you speak with your financial planner and tax advisor for more details on the benefits that you will gain upon making a financial donation to the Giving Center nonprofit charity. Begin your Financial Donation with the form below Or Call Us (888)-228-7320